You have just surfed into my most adorable website!! My name is Peyton (as in "Place"), and I'm a Sonoma Valley
gurl. I live in Northern California with my mommy and big brother, Cameron. Right now my favorite food is a Burger King Kids'
meal with chicken tenders, and my favorite toy is a permanent Sharpie marker. My mommy put this site together to
show me off as well as my Minky Momo collection. Someday I will be able to play with all this stuff...<Not if I can help
Minky Momo is an anime that first ran in the 80s. It's about a teen-age princess who is sent to earth in the form of
a small child by her royal parents to help people with their dreams. Mommy started collecting merchandise from this anime
after winning a vanity on ebay...from then on, my room started getting more and more crowded. "My Room" page shows all the
toy merchandise. I'm one lucky kid.