Before we know it, we're staring at someone else in the mirror and wondering how to convince an HMO that cosmetic surgery
is a covered medical benefit. Below are fairly self-serving pix of me in vaguely chronological order.

Above: (Left) My mom and I, Christmas 1962; (Right) My son, Cameron, and I, Spring 1999. Scary how the 2 mommies are wearing
the exact same, insincere smiles. I think that's genetic.

Obligatory Olan Mills studio portrait, circa 1965.

My dad and I (Christmas 1982). That's the longest my hair ever got...ooh, bay-bee.
Below: generic stuffed animal/plushie pose. (Top) Me, Christmas 1962 (Bottom) Cameron, Spring 1999

"Hail to the Redskins!" Age 12.

21rst Birthday. Now there's a poster child for incipient alcoholism if I ever saw one...