Not my sites...but they are highly recommended.
The Best Damn Page on the Internet...this guy makes PMS look like a good day.
The Dialectizer: Converts any text or entire web pages into such dialects as Jive, Redneck or Elmer Fudd. Very amusing, especially
for us old English majors. you don't have to sit in traffic to see an offensive bumper sticker.
I Need a Doll: The Valley of the Dolls Jelly Belly Experience.
It Came From the 1971 Sears Catalog...this will appeal to anyone who ever had to be dragged kicking and screaming thru the
"Pretty Plus" or "Husky's" dept. as a child. The commentary is priceless. A truly weird and objectionable site documenting that fashion trend instigated by Journey and Styx, The
My Trailer Park Home Page: This is just pretty damn funny.
Odd Very creative website about an out-of-work guy who just languishes and farts around. (Kind of like a stay-@-home
mom except without all that laundry and baby spew.
The People's Cam... this is pretty cool.
The Philosophers Magazine, a really cool set of games that tease your moral and religious beliefs (even if you don't have
Self-Annihilating Sentences...senseless aphorisms